“This is what we are going to do,” announced the boss. “Can you tell us more? Why are we doing this?” asked the team. “Because I’m the boss and I say so.” Hmm, that didn’t go down too well. No one could get excited; no one could see the greater purpose or vision. And well, it was all carried out half-heartedly and the results were, of course, less than inspiring.
As a leader, it is easy to thrust our ideas on our team and insist that our idea is the best one and this is what we will do. However, does this get your team onside? Does this get the best result? Usually not. So how do we turn around the grumbling team members to be excited, involved and giving it their all? When we do, then we can create our ULTIMATE IMPACT on the world.
In my experience, the greatest, most powerful ideas come when people come together and explore their many ideas together. When they let go of their personal agendas they can work together at a deeper level and form ideas that they never knew were possible. This can take us to a level that really transcends just brainstorming. It gives us a glimpse of where the future is urging as to go. We start to see what our collective highest future potential is.
When we can tap into this together, we have a team that is inspired to make this happen. The energy of the future is drawing everyone forward. This is the power of the unified vision.
A unified vision of how the team can have its Ultimate Impact belongs to everyone. It comes with a sense of “We can’t not do this.” It burns within us and propels into mission to succeed. Here we do more than make a difference in the world, we make a difference in the lives of our team, because they now feel they are a part of something worthwhile. We make a difference in our own lives, as we find that deep sense of fulfilment that we all long for. We make a difference in the lives of our clientele, as this is a business they can believe in. Now we are truly engage to make our Ultimate Impact on the World.
Now it is time for you to make a choice, come together with your team to discover the power of the unified vision that unleashes your ultimate impact on the world, or just be another business. To find out more about the power of the unified vision, connect with me now.