Andrea Putting – Speaker, Author Podcaster

Andrea Putting

Speaker, Author & Trusted Advisor

The Emerging Greatness of Business

The times have definitely been changing. The way we do business has to keep up with our new ways of seeing things. It has been buried under the weight of old structures that don’t serve us, humanity or the growth of business. There is so much more it can become. It is time to free it up, open up the windows and doors and allow the Spirit to breathe through it.

As I look around at different businesses, I see such enormous potential. I truly believe that the future of the world lies in the hands of business and corporations. In the past corporations have received a bad rap for greed and pretty much “raping and pillaging” their way through everything.  Fortunately the tide is definitely turning. Now there is an acknowledgment growing that accumulation of stuff, just doesn’t cut it any more. Business leaders want something else. Employees want something else. Society wants something else. The world is groaning for new time to emerge.

We all want that deep soul satisfaction that only comes from doing something greater; being a part of something bigger that stands out and makes a difference in the lives of others. Corporations, organisations and even small businesses have a unique opportunity to be in the forefront of a changing world.

Innovation is at its greatest when people are working together on a common purpose. Here is where they can delve in deep into situations that are calling their souls into incredible action. When each one feels they are empowered to share and contribute thoughts and ideas, the future begins to emerge. Solutions and ideas start to come forth. It may be new innovation for the business or it may be something that together this “community” wants to work on and make happen in the world.

The possibilities are limitless as we allow the spirit to breathe through our boardrooms. It is time to fling open the doors and embrace a new era, a new way thinking, a new way of developing business. Here it is that the true greatness of business starts to emerge.

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